Kursi, izglītības programmas, projekti skolotāju profesionālās kvalifikācijas celšanai

"Pedagogu caurviju prasmju pilnveide skolēnu rakstura audzināšanas un izcilības veicināšanai"

Šo pedagogu profesionālās kompetences pilnveides 36 stundu programmu piedāvā Latvijas Universitātes Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes Pieaugušo pedagoģiskās izglītības centrs.

Mērķauditorija: vispārizglītojošo un profesionālo izglītības iestāžu pedagogi, speciālie pedagogi, pedagogi karjeras konsultanti, izglītības iestāžu vadītāji, vadītāja vietnieki, izglītības metodiķi. Programmas apguves rezultātā tiks iegūta apliecība.

Vairāk informācijas Pedagoģijas, psiholoģijas un mākslas fakultātes mājaslapā.


Citi resursi (angļu valodā):

  1. In 2016, the School of Education at the University of Birmingham introduced the world's first MA programme in Character Education. This distance learning programme is taught by expert members of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. Course type: postgraduate, continuing professional development, distance learning. Duration: 3 years. https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/postgraduate/courses/distance/edu/character-education.aspx   
  2. The free online course ‘Building Character through Youth Social Action’ provides an opportunity to learn about the history of social action, and how youth social action can help build character in young people. This course is delivered in partnership with the University of Birmingham and FutureLearn and is open for anyone with an interest in youth work and working with young people. Duration: over two weeks. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/youth-social-action
  3. The free online course 'What is Character? Virtue Ethics in Education' debates in the field of character and character education. The course explores virtues and the role they play in helping both individuals and society flourish. Tapping into an increasing interest in character education and answering important questions such as, what is character and character education, why is it important and can it be taught? Duration: two weeks. https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/what-is-character
  4. Character.org offers multiple support and training opportunities for K-12 schools, districts, and state-wide initiatives. These range from one day to multi-year assistance: https://www.character.org/workshops/