Supporting teachers for developping intra-personal competencies and character education at school (ARETE–catalyst)
Project objective: to prepare school teachers for enriching the educational culture of their institution, focusing on transversal competences and upbringing of pupils' character.
The project aims to develop and embed approaches to character education in schools and youth groups to benefit young people.
Project objectives
Create an innovative approach to character building and employability education
Promote partnership working at local level between educators, youth workers and businesses
Increase students’ motivation and resilience
Develop attitudes and attributes that will facilitate young people’s transition to the world of work
Improve educators’ and young people’s understanding of techniques they can use to build character resilience
Achieve a common understanding of character education and of the role each stakeholder can play
Project results
New methods and techniques
Shared understanding of character education
More effective engagement at the local level
Raise educational engagement and motivation
Project outputs
Character factsheets: key learning and mini case studies
Character building toolkit: web-based tool providing resources to support educators and youth workers